Resolution of Participants

The 2nd UJNR Workshop on Soil-Structure Interaction
March 6 to 8, 2001, Tsukuba, Japan

Whereas soil-structure interaction can have major influence on the seismic performance of important structures, such as buildings, dams, bridges, and nuclear power plants, and thus affect public safety; and
Whereas, the methodologies for including soil-structure interaction effects in assessing seismic performance of such structures although improving are still inadequate; and
Whereas, present-day design codes need to provide more definitive guidance for treating soil-structure interaction effects;
Whereas, the recent devastating earthquake experiences and gave us valuable knowledge and data for us to share.
Now therefore be it resolved that
  1. research to advance soil-structure interaction methodologies be maintain at high priority and that design provisions related thereto be incorporated into the codes to enhance the seismic safety of structures designed accordingly, and
  2. cooperation between the U.S. and Japan, with focus on advancing both state-of-the art and state-of-the-practice of treating soil-structure interaction be continued, and
  3. future additional UJNR-SSI meetings to be organized, and
  4. carryout activities under current UJNR framework an international organization be promoted to advance research, education, and design practice as related to soil-structure interaction.
The 2nd UJNR Workshop on Soil-Structure Interaction,
Tsukuba, Japan
March 6-8, 2001