ICHARM -- The International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management


Lectures on "ICHARM's Contribution to Water-related Disaster reduction" and "Tsunami Hazard Mapping".

Lectures on ICHARM's contribution to water-related disaster reduction and tsunami hazard mapping were conducted at ICHARM on January 30th, 2008. The lectures are part of the Comprehensive Disaster Management Training Course, which is organized by the JICA Hyogo International Center in cooperation with the Asia Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC).

The first lecture on ICHARM's contribution to water-related disaster reduction was presented by Mr. Katsuhito Miyake, Senior Researcher of ICHARM. The initial part of this lecture was to introduce ICHARM's development background, network, activities, and role in water-related hazard and risk management. The lecture also provided information about the Policy Brief 2007, one of the important results of the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit (APWS) last December, in which ICHARM gave a significant contribution as co-convener, especially regarding water-related hazard issues.

Dr. Dinar Istiyanto, ICHARM Research Specialist, delivered the second lecture on tsunami hazard mapping and its role in disaster risk reduction. The lecture contents included the need for, purpose and role of tsunami hazard maps, methods of identifying inundation areas, methods of preparing hazard maps based on inundation results, and methods for hazard map dissemination.

Fifteen course participants from Antigua, Barbuda, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Elsalvador, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Laos, Mongol, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand, Tonga, and Uruguay attended the lectures. Some participants expressed their expectations that ICHARM's Master's degree program on water-related disaster management should invite students not only from Asian countries but also from other developing countries in Latin America or Pacific Islands.

Mr.Miyake, senior researcher, makes a lecture.

Dr. Dinar, speciality researcher, makes a lecture.
