ICHARM -- The International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management


Accepting Applications for Ph. D. Disaster Management Program 2011

The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and ICHARM are jointly accepting applications for "Ph. D. Disaster Management Program 2011".
Applicants must have a Master's degree or the equivalent in professional knowledge, skills, and experience, in research and/or practice in water-related disaster risk management at universities, research institutes, and/or governmental organizations.

PWRI is seeking candidates for ICHARM Research Assistantship positions. If employed for the positions, students will be working at ICHARM as ICHARM Research Assistants. This provides an excellent opportunity for them to learn and experience the practical work of ICHARM while they carry out their own research.

For more details:
- Objectives and outline of the program (GRIPS website)
- Ph. D. Disaster Management Program 2011 (PDF)
- Application form of the program (PDF)
- About ICHARM research assistants (PDF)

*Application has been closed.
