ICHARM -- The International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management


"Ph.D. Disaster Management Program 2010" is launched and M.Sc. Program "2010-2011 Water-related Disaster Management Course of Disaster Management Policy Program" starts its fourth year

New students and guests at the opening ceremony held at PWRI.

PWRI Chief Executive Uomoto welcomes new students.

Mr. Reynosa (Guatemala) speaks on behalf of the students.

The M.Sc. program, "2010-2011 Water-related Disaster Management Course of Disaster Management Policy Program," started its fourth year on 4 October. This year, twelve students participate in the program from Bangladesh (2), China (2), Colombia (1), Guatemala (1), Indonesia (1), Myanmar (1), Nepal (3), and Pakistan (1). The opening ceremony was held at ICHARM on 5 October with the director of JICA Tsukuba, the chief executive of PWRI and other guests. On behalf of the students, Mr. Rodrigo Fernandez Reynosa from Guatemala expressed his strong determination to complete the program successfully.

ICHARM also launched the “Ph.D. Disaster Management Program 2010” jointly with GRIPS this October. ICHARM held a joint opening session for the Ph.D. program with the M.Sc. program. At present, only one student has enrolled in this program, but two more students from overseas are expected to join him later in this semester. All Ph.D. students are the alumni of the M.Sc. program. We expect that the interaction between the two graduate programs will generate dynamic synergy effects for each other.

We will report on the M.Sc. program in future ICHARM Newsletters.

ICHARM Director Takeuchi welcomes new M.sc. and Ph.D. students at the joint opening ceremony.

New students and ICHARM staff after the joint opening ceremony.