ICHARM -- The International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management ICHARM


3rd ICHARM Governing Board Meeting was held


On February 14, 2018, the third ICHARM Governing Board Meeting was held at the International Congress Room of MLIT in Tokyo, Japan. The board meeting is held every two years in compliance with the agreement between the government of Japan and UNESCO, signed and concluded on July 23, 2013. In the meeting, the governing board members reviews the reports on ICHARM’s activities in the last two years, and examines and adopts the long- and medium-term programmes and the work plan for the next two years. The governing board had met twice before: first on February 25, 2014, and second on March 3, 2016.

As defined in the agreement, the governing board are composed of seven members, and the current members include: Kazuhiro Nishikawa, the president of PWRI, as the chairperson; Masafumi Mori, the vice-minister for Engineering Affairs of MLIT, as a representative of the government of Japan; Blanca Jimenez-Cisneros, the director of the Division of Water Sciences and the secretary of IHP as a representative of the the director-general of UNESCO; Andras Szöllösi-Nagy, the chairperson of UNESCO-IHP Intergovernmental Council; Yuki Matsuoka, the head of the UNISDR Office in Japan; Akihiko Tanaka, the president of GRIPS; and Kunihiro Yamauchi, the director general of the Global Environment Department of JICA.

At the meeting, Director Toshio Koike reported on the activities of ICHARM in the last two years from 2016 to 2017, which were examined by the board members. He also explained the work plan for the next two years from 2018 to 2019, which was also examined and unanimously adopted by the board.

Overall, the governing board highly appreciate the efforts by ICHARM. In addition, for further improvement of the activities and the organization, they gave some important advice. One member suggested that ICHARM should expand its activity to a global scale, especially to cover Africa and Latin America. Another member expected ICHARM to build closer relationships with other UN organizations and UNESCO category 2 centres.

By following the work plan adopted at the meeting and taking the suggestions into consideration, ICHARM will continue striving for disaster risk reduction on a global basis.

[ Documents ]
- Agenda
- List of Participants
- ICHARM Program
- ICHARM Activity Report
- ICHARM Work Plan
- Presentation material by Director Koike

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