
カティア ルビ アルネス フェレル
Research Specialist, Water-related Hazard Research Group
水災害研究グループ 専門研究員
Home town (country); 出身:
Plurinational State of Bolivia; ボリビア多民族国
Message; メッセージ:
It is a great honor to be part of the Icharm team. I hope to contribute to the understanding of the dual relationship that exists between riverine communities and rivers.
Main Research Topic(s); 主な研究内容:
1) Planform evolution of meandering rives in the Bolivian Amazon.
2) Cantilever failures and slumpblocks in cohesive riverbanks.
3) Flow resistance in mountain rivers

Academic/Professional Experience and Qualifications; 主な学歴・職歴、資格など:
Academic Qualifications:
2021:  Ph.D., Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University (Japan).
2018:  M.S., Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University (Japan).
2011:  B.S., Civil Engineering, School of Science and Technology, University Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia)
Professional Experience:
2011-2015:  Consulting company 'Rojas Veizaga'

Publications; 著書:
Recent Publications; 著書:

1. 2020 Past, present and future of a meandering river in the Bolivian Amazon basin. RCEM Special Issue. Journal of Earth Surf. Process. Landforms. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5058

2. Coupled Model of Bank Erosion and Meander Evolution for Cohesive Riverbanks. Geosciences 2018, 8(10) (Published). https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8100359

Links; 関連リンク:
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