Background | Schedule | |
Target Groups | Curriculum (from "GRIPS Bulletin") | |
Admission |
Water-related disasters are intensifying in frequency and magnitude due to such worldwide phenomena as urbanization, industrialization, and climate change. These disasters cause devastating loss of human life and livelihood, and seriously impede economic development.
It is increasingly evident that capacity development and human empowerment are the necessary foundation to ensure that societies are resilient against disasters and capable of sustainable development. In order to enhance that foundation, it is urgent that countries increase their capacity to train researchers, educators and strategy/policy specialists in risk management.
In the interest of supporting countries in such capacity building, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) of the Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) jointly launched a Ph.D. program in October 2010. The broad aim of the program is to nurture professionals who can train researchers and take leadership in planning and implementation of national and international strategy and water-related risk management policy.
Technical officials, engineers, and researchers in the fields of water-related disasters and disaster risk management policy in developing countries. After completing the program, graduates are expected to hold leadership positions in water-related disaster management.
To be eligible for admission to the program, an applicant must;
The courses offered are taught entirely in English.
Curriculum (from "GRIPS Bulletin")
ICHARM can provide enrolled students with the following financial supports. For more details, please contact ICHARM.
ICHARM RA General Information Updated on 1 September 2023 | ||
Interest-Free Loan | ||
Interest Free Loan for Admission fee and initial expense is possibly available for expected students from developing countries. |
JICA Scholarship “Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Leaders Capacity Development for the Sendai Framework Implementation (FY2022)” This scholarship is open only to applicants from the following 11 countries (TBD): Philippines, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Fiji, India, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Iran. It is provided by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and implemented as part of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) of the Government of Japan, based on bilateral agreements between Japan and each country. To apply for this scholarship, it is necessary to complete JICA’s entry process by the beginning of February 2023. Those interested in the scholarship should contact the JICA office in their country for further information. |
You can see some information at the following websites.
GRIPS website:
Tsukuba City official website:
CLAIR website:
Action Reports from Alumni
Dr. Karina Vink, University Twente (Netherlands)
Dr. Robin Kumar Biswas, Bangladesh Water Development Board
Dr. Md Khairul Islam, Bangladesh Water Development Board
International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM)
Tel : +81- (0) 29-879-6809
Fax: +81- (0) 29-879-6709
E-mail: training.icharm(a)