The 3rd Face-to-Face Meeting of the WMO Regional Association II Coordination Panel for Hydrology and 1st KIHS Workshop

 The 3rd Face-to-Face Meeting of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Association II (RA II) Coordination Panel for Hydrology was held in Koyang, Korea, on July 1-2, 2024, and the 1st Korea Institute of Hydrological Survey (KIHS) Workshop was also held on July 3 in conjunction with the meeting. From Japan, the representative from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and two researchers from ICHARM, Senior Researcher MIYAMOTO Mamoru and Researcher TAKEGAWA Shinya, participated in the meeting and the workshop.

 On the first day, the participants shared the progress of the activities of the individual expert teams. In a session, “CPH Project 1 - Promote cooperation in hydrology and water resources among RA II Members and ensure coordination among the hydrology substructures in RA II," the senior researcher explained the results of "Enhancement of Flood Resilience through Platforms on Water Resilience and Disasters" and "Expansion of Integrated Flood Management (IFM) HelpDesk to include Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)," and the participants including WMO secretariat discussed future initiatives. On the second day, the participants discussed the RA II operating plan and a working structure in the hydrological field during the next intersectional period (2024-27), with Japan's focus on enhancing disaster resilience under the water-food-energy nexus.

 At the first KIHS Workshop, the participants in several countries explained on the current status of hydrological surveys and future research and development. The senior researcher gave a presentation titled "Hydrological Survey in Japan," and participants asked many questions about the accuracy of Japan's hydrological observation system. KIHS also introduced its flow calculation software tool, and participants deepened their understanding of hydrological surveys by actually operating the software and discussed the future development and utilization of the software tools.

 This series of face-to-face meetings served valuable opportunities for WMO RA II members to strengthen international collaboration and technical exchange. ICHARM will continue to work on interregional cooperation to reduce water-related disaster risks and increase resilience through a international framework such as WMO RA II.

WMO RA Ⅱ meeting Senior Researcher Miyamoto speaking during the WMO RA Ⅱ meeting
WMO RA Ⅱ meeting
Senior Researcher Miyamoto speaking
during the WMO RA Ⅱ meeting
KIHS workshop Senior Researcher Miyamoto speaking during the KIHS workshop
KIHS workshop
Senior Researcher Miyamoto speaking
during the KIHS workshop