
Priority research categories

ICHARM conducts research in the following five priority categories:

(1) Data collection, storage, sharing and statistics on water-related disasters
(2) Risk assessment on water-related disasters
(3) Monitoring and prediction of changes in water-related disaster risks
(4) Proposal, evaluation and application of policies for water-related disaster risk reduction
(5) Support in constructing the applicability of water-related disaster management

ICHARM accumulates, analyzes, and utilizes a broad range of data and information to constantly produce high-quality outcomes that lead to practical solutions in the field of water-related disaster management, including methods to observe, forecast, and analyze hazards, methods to assess, analyze, and monitor exposure and vulnerability, and practical policies to reduce disaster damage.

Current research themes

PWRI R&D programs

The Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) has identified the following three themes that deserve intensive resource allocation in its medium- to long-term plan. These are related to the issues that are receiving significant public attention and need to be addressed today for the future.

  A. Contribution to development of national land that protects lives and
       livelihoods against natural disasters
  B. Contribution to management of smart and sustainable infrastructure
  C. Contribution to realization of vibrant attractive region and living

To conduct research under these three themes, PWRI has established 15 R&D programs, each led by the head of a research group as the program leader.
● List of the R&D programs:

In this PWRI initiative, ICHARM has been assigned to Research Theme A and conducting a research program, “Development of Technologies for Promoting ‘River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All,” led by the deputy director as the program leader, aiming to develop technologies to achieve basin-wide flood control against increasingly more intense flood hazards.

          The following three research projects are underway in this research program:

<Main research projects>

<Priority research projects>

<Basic research projects>

*Click here for an overview of the R&D program to develop technologies to achieve basin-wide flood control against increasingly more intense flood hazards. See also a summary of each research project created based on the reports produced by PWRI’s project evaluation committee.

Research funded by external sources

ICHARM conducts research funded by external sources in addition to PWRI-funded research, as follows:

   Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable
  Development (SATREPS)

SATREPS is a program that promotes international joint research between Japan and developing countries to solve global issues. It is operated as part of “science and technology diplomacy,” which aims to link science and technology and diplomacy and help achieve progress in both fields.
As the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have drawn global attention in recent years, global issues, such as climate change, food security, natural disasters, and infectious diseases, have become increasingly complex. These issues have affected developing countries more severely, for they are especially vulnerable to such hazards. To solve these problems, it is necessary, through collaboration across national borders, to create scientific and technological innovations and return research findings to society, as well as to develop human resources and improve their research capabilities.
SATREPS aims to contribute to the international society by assisting communities and nations worldwide in achieving sustainable development. To this end, in SATREPS projects, which cover four research fields, i.e., environment and energy, biological resources, disaster prevention, and infectious diseases, researchers from Japan and developing countries work together to create new knowledge and technologies applicable to the areas of interest, considering local needs and conditions.
(Source: the SATREPS homepage,

ICHARM are currently involved in the following joint research projects:

Development of a Hybrid Water-Related Disaster Risk Assessment Technology for Sustainable Local Economic Development Policy under Climate Change

Numerical Weather Prediction and Warning Communication System for Densely Populated and Vulnerable Cities

Regional Resilience Enhancement through Establishment of Area-BCM at Industry Complexes in Thailand

   Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP)

SIP is a national project established and operated directly under the Cabinet Office's Council for Science, Technology and Innovation in Japan and is managed in a cross-ministerial and interdisciplinary framework to achieve scientific and technological innovation. SIP addresses the most important social problems facing Japan and world-leading issues that can contribute to the resurgence of Japan's economy.
Under the strong leadership of program directors assigned to each research and development project, each project team carries out various tasks using an end-to-end approach from basic research to implementation. In other words, they undertake a project with an overall picture from start to end, including practical application and commercialization of inventions. SIP has started its third phase from 2023 to 2027, with 14 projects underway.

ICHARM participates in a joint research team working on developing methods for facilitating disaster damage control behavior through risk communication. This research is among the sub-theme projects under the creation of a smart disaster prevention network, one of the 14 research and development projects.

ICHARM Newsletter vol. 71

   MEXT-Program for the Advanced Studies of Climate Change Projection

SENTAN, a research program led by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), aims to further advance the climate change research that MEXT has been promoting. This program supports research and development to reduce the uncertainty of future predictions through the advancement of climate change prediction simulation technology, to analyze climate change mechanisms, and to improve the accuracy and utilization of climate prediction data. SENTAN manages these projects in a well-coordinated manner to create and provide scientific evidence that can be used to develop effective climate change measures (adaptation measures and mitigation measures by promoting a decarbonized society).
In 2022, the MEXT program decided on four main research themes. ICHARM participates in Area Subject D: International cooperation for hazard and risk assessment in the Asia-Pacific region under Area Theme 4: Development of an integrated hazard projection model, led by Kyoto University. We have already started constructing a water circulation model in the Philippines and building a locally-calibrated Online Synthesis System for Sustainability and Resilience (OSS-SR), an online knowledge integration system.

 Kyoto University (Link: Japanese only)

   Programs for Bridging the Gap between R&D and the Ideal Society
   (society 5.0) and Generating Economic and Social Value (BRIDGE)


BRIDGE focuses more on resolving social issues rather than research and development. Following the Integrated Innovation Strategy and other policies that promote science, technology, and innovation, the Council for Science, Technology, and Innovation identifies priority issues, such as business environment improvement, startup creation, and human resource development, which must be addressed to ensure that innovative technologies created through SIP and other government-led R&D projects are fully utilized to solve social issues and create new businesses.
(Source: Cabinet Office website about BRIDGE)

In the BRIDGE program, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) is assigned to accelerate the nationwide application of the Integrated System of Disaster Reduction for Municipalities (IDR4M). In this effort, ICHARM will be in charge of the hazard evaluation task involving the development of a water-level forecasting model required for river water level forecasting.

○ Cabinet Office:
Programs for Bridging the Gap between R&D and the Ideal Society (society 5.0) and Generating Economic and Social Value (BRIDGE) (Link: Japanese only)
「IDR4Mの全国展開の加速化プロジェクト」 (Link: Japanese only)

河川砂防技術研究開発公募 SIP社会実装部門 (Link: Japanese only)

○ Foundation of River & Basin Integrated Communications (FRICS):
IDR4M Leaflet (Link: Japanese only)

Latest Research

ICHARM’s latest research topics are listed in the ICHARM Activity Report and ICHARM Newsletters.

ICHARM Activity Report FY2022
The ICHARM Governing Board meets once a year to review the activity report of the previous fiscal year. The activity report summarizes the latest research findings and other activities.

Research updates in ICHARM Newsletters
ICHARM publishes a newsletter four times a year. Every issue carries articles written by our researchers about their latest research topics.

Paper List

* Click on the year that interests you.

Past research

PWRI-funded research
PWRI 4th mid- and long-term plan (2016-2021) (Link: Japanese only)
PWRI 3rd mid- and long-term plan (Link: Japanese only)
Externally funded research (Link: Japanese only)