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Flood Hazard Mapping 2005

(Jan. 25 - Feb. 19, 2005)

Report on 2005's Activity

Conducted a JICA regional training course, "Flood Hazard Mapping"

From November 7th to December 2nd 2005, ICHARM conducted a JICA regional training course, "Flood Hazard Mapping," supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

This training course is being conducted from 2004 to 2008 in collaboration with the Typhoon Committee established under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The objective of this course is to teach professional knowledge necessary for producing and disseminating flood hazard maps for professionals in river management in east and east-south Asia. Sixteen trainees, from Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Lao DPR, China and Vietnam, participated in the course this year. During the first week, lecturers, not only from Japan but also from the Mekong River Committee (MRC), the Department of Water Hazard Research (IWHR) and the University of the West Indies, gave lectures about the outline and the contemporary status of flood hazard mapping in the world. During the second week, the participants heard lectures on and did exercises in GIS and runoff analysis and methodology in anticipated inundation areas, evacuation plans, etc. During the third week, with the help of the Shonaigawa River Office of MLIT, the Mie River and Highway Office of MLIT and the Ise City Office, the participants had field trips to a retarding basin, a draining facility and a damaged area hit by last year's typhoon. In Ise City, which was seriously flooded 30 years ago, a field survey, "Town Watching," was conducted to make the participants think about from what viewpoint they should look at a site to make flood hazard maps. As part of the survey, they had a chance to interview local residents to find out how aware the residents were of flood hazard maps. During the last week of the training, the participants individually reported their own "Action Plans" for their countries, and this training course closed successfully with each participant having highly improved knowledge and motivation for the production of flood hazard maps.

Even after the training program, ICHARM intends to maintain the relationships among participants themselves and between participants and the institute, and continue to exchange invaluable information with them. Last but not least, ICHARM would like to express sincere appreciation to the lecturers and officials, who willingly supported the field trips and field surveys.
