ICHARM Director Toshio Koike elected as a member of the Science Council of Japan
On October 1, 2017, the Science Council of Japan❇1, currently presided by Dr. Juichi Yamagiwa, the president of Kyoto University,
officially released the list of its newly elected members for the 24th term starting on the same day.
Professor Koike is among the new members who are distinguished scholars and scientists in various fields of sciences, including humanities and social sciences.
The council announced the names of 105 new members this time, which is half the total number, 210, of the council members. The tenure is six years.
Science Council of Japan
The council was established in January 1949 as a "special organization" under the jurisdiction of the prime minister, operating independently of the government,
with the firm belief that science is the foundation upon which a civilized nation is built,
and has since been serving the purpose of promoting and enhancing the field of science and having science reflected in and permeated into administration,
industries and people's lives. It represents Japan's 840,000-odd scientists both domestically and internationally, consisting of 210 elected members and about 2,000 associate members,
who share the responsibilities to support the organization. The following are the council’s two main missions:
-To deliberate on important issues concerning science and help solve such issues
-To make coordination among scientific studies to achieve higher efficiency
(For more information, visit: http://www.scj.go.jp/en/index.html)