Research Results/Technical Information

Offering the Program and Guidelinese

Concrete and Metallic Materials Research Team

Compressive strength of concrete in newly built structures has been tested in acceptance inspection at the specific kinds of civil engineering structures constructed by MLIT since 2001. Rebound number method has been applied as this test. This booklet provides additional information of rebound number method relating to the collection and evaluation of data.

This spread sheet gives calculation result of distribution of chloride ions in hardened concrete based on Fick's second law of pure diffusion. Future risk of corrosion in concrete structures located in severe environment can be estimated with some inspection data (chloride ion content).

Water content per unit volume of fresh concrete has been tested in acceptance inspection at the construction sites of MLIT since October 2003. This document provides guidance on the PWRI air meter method, quick and simple procedure which requires minimal equipment, for measuring water content in fresh concrete. In addition there is information about criteria for acceptable concrete.

This document provides guidance to those concerned with carrying out measurement of arrangement and cover depth of re-bars in concrete structures that has been carried out by MLIT as a trial of new acceptance inspection method since 2005. Spread sheet that can be used to remove the effect of the change of the dielectric constant and adjacent re-bars is also provided.

These documents provide guidance to those concerned with carrying out measurement of compressive strength of concrete in structural members that has been carried out by MLIT as a trial of new acceptance inspection method since 2006. The following techniques are included;

  • Ultrasonic pulse velocity (PWRI method)
  • Impact elastic wave velocity (iTECS method)
  • The two-surface-points method
  • Broken Off Specimens by Splitting method (BOSS)
  • Use small diameter concrete cores (φ25mm)

Landslide Team

As research on geology, geological structures, slip surface locations and location of subsurface aquifers is important on landslide investigation, implementation of boring exploration is emphasized. Underground water tends to trigger landslides and information about underground water obtained during boring provides extremely critical data for research and analysis.
Based on "Instruction Manual for Boring Log Creation Guidelines (Draft)" (Published by Japan Construction Information Center <JACIC>), we have compiled "Boring Log Creation Guidelines for Landslide Research (Draft)" with more information about groundwater.
We prepared landslide research boring log formats with and without legends by depth (30m, 50m and 100m) in dxf and dwg formats so that one can use them for organizing research results. Please download and make use of them.

"Technical Standard for River and Sabo Works in Japan (Draft)" has been the technical standard for landslide measures, which was modified in 2005 with more fundamental and basic contents. This required establishment of separate technical guidelines for landslide measures. We developed "Detailed explanation for Landslide Prevention Technical Guidelines" along with "Landslide Prevention Technical Guidelines" (January 2008) established by Erosion and Sediment Control Department, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
"Detailed explanation for Landslide Prevention Technology Guidelines" discusses fundamental concepts in terms of methods ranging from research to maintenance management of landslide prevention works in Japan.

Some methods have been proposed to predict occurrence timing of slope slip drops by setting a ground extensometer across the crack on landslide site and by measuring movement rate. This program intends to use a prediction method with movement rate inverse proposed by Fukuzono as well as a creep failure prediction method proposed by Saitou to predict occurrence timing of landslide slipping by entering extensometer data.
Please note that these programs do not guarantee accurate prediction for any kinds of landslides.

Pavement Team

"Permeable Pavement Hydrological Balance Calculation Program Ver. 4" is a program for calculating hydrological balance of permeable pavements discussed in "Road Surface Stormwater Treatment Manual (Draft)".

Hydrology Team

This program was developed for AMEDAS probable precipitation analysis and can calculate probable precipitation amount at 756 observation locations in Japan.

Current meters for river observation require regular calibration to ensure accuracy.This page announces procedures calibration as well as calibration cost.

It was developed as a distributed physical model for water and material circulation systems of river basins in metropolitan areas with complicated land utilization.
The analysis engine uses WEP (Water and Energy Transfer Process) model.

This program was developed to streamline creation of HQ rating curves and improve accuracy of flow rate calculation.